Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hail and Farewell Today

What a day! Not that there was lots going on...just that there was something pretty significant that happened today. We attended what could be Sean's last "hailing" into his new unit. Are you asking yourself..."What is she talking about?" Ok I will stop speaking in military and speak English. Whenever someone new comes into a new duty station it is tradition to have a "hail". It is a saying of hello...a welcoming to the new person and a sort of introduction to the rest of the personell. At the same time there is a "farewell". That is pretty easy to understand. They say goodbye to the person leaving and hello to the person that takes that persons place. There is usually an award or token of appreciation given, food, and lots of "getting to know yous". It could be Sean's last one considering he is thinking about retiring after this tour of duty. I am always so proud of him and his acomplishments. What a exciting!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Found Perfection

Ok, we had dinner tonight at one of the best pizza and pasta restaurants around. I am not sure of the name............ I think it's "Romiros" not sure! Does it matter? Not really. The view was amazing - overlooking Lake Union.

This is one of my favorite things about moving into a new area. And we have done this alot! We get to find new places to make memories and make them our little hang outs. This is how we become "regulars".

So when you make it here to visit we definitely will be going to this cute little Italian hide away in the city. Until then..... bon appetite!

Monday, June 28, 2010

I am becoming a Seattlite!

Yesterday we purchased a mini laptop. What! You didn't know there was such a thing....well there is. It's not a notebook but a smaller sized laptop...I know I am really excited about this little gadget. ANYWAY, there is a reason that I keep blabbering on about it and it is because I did something that many Seattlites do! I went to Starbucks with Sean and Nikole and surfed the web on their wi-fi and drank my iced carmel macchiado. I felt totally part of the crowd...ready to jump off the cliff with everyone else. I was loaded up on caffeine and ready to ride the internet wave for as long as I could. But Sean brought me back to my senses for it was time to pick up Mikayla from drum school. So I had to closed up my mini laptop and drink the rest of my legal stimulant and leave the coolest place on earth.....Starbucks. I will go back....oh yes, I will.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Trapped by boxes!

Had wonderful plans to go site seeing but those plans were quickly put aside. We are still swimming in boxes. Today we made progress and now can actually walk around our cute house. Pics to come soon... I promise :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I have been told that this weather is not typical for Seattle in the summer. I think it is a ploy to get me to stay here...... No sun = No fun!!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Weeds and bugs

After living in the desert for 6 years I really didn't have much yard work to do. We had mostly rocks covering our front and back yards and so the occassional squirt of the weed spray was all we really needed to do. NOT SO HERE!. The pretty purple flowers that were all over our front and back yards were WEEDS!!! So early this morning I woke up with this overwhelming urge to get rid of them. We are the embarrassment of the neighborhood afterall. Our Arizona license plates will only fend them off for so long. Right? So here I go (no gloves - first mistake). I start gung ho and ready to rid the world of "pretty weeds". One spider, two spiders, and now a whole family comes charging out of the holes towards me with really angry looks on their faces. I am told that the spiders here are not like the ones in AZ (deadly). To me a spider is a spider. So, I freak out. Then I see rolly pollies, slugs, worms, and every other creature that the spiders could bully to come out and make me cringe. It worked. Gloves went on and Sean came outside to help me. Gotta love the North West and all their critters.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


There are so many transitions to be made when moving to a big city. We moved here from a pretty small town in the desert. The weather was pretty and dry. Transition number one... unpredictable weather. From day to day, I have discovered that layering is a way of life. It is summer here so you would expect it to be warm most days with some sunshine. Well, think again. It can start off cloudy with light rain and end up with sunshine and warm. Warm is relative. Warm in the desert is at about 85 to 90 degrees. Warm here in Seattle is 65 to 66. Don't laugh. You can not measure the temperature the same. So layers are a must to peel them off if you get too "warm" or to leave them on in case of a chill. Oh, and apparently I need to buy something that says "Northface" on it (everyone else is wearing it). Until tomorrow....